The internet has provided us with an easy and convenient way to research, purchase and sell goods and services by just being what it is; a medium where a billion (or more) individuals can interact with one another, at length, 24/7. This in itself would be enough to stimulate commerce. Multiply this by the methods marketers and advertisers have discovered to gather data on people and target even the smallest of markets and there is no wonder the internet revolution is being embraced by shrewd business people everywhere.
This revolution has brought about dynamic new business models that were completely unconceivable 20 years ago. Portals offering specialized content and other services for its users. Online marketplaces like Ebay where you can buy and sell just about anything. A business model has even evolved out of providing consumers with internet content!
What else could the internet possibly do to generate more money? How about making it easier to spend that money on the internet? After reading chapter 4 in a book that is already outdated in today's terms, I discovered 3 new ways I could spend my money online! I'm certain before long you'll be able to swipe your credit card right at your PC to purchase items. Oh wait, you can already do that!
Are we being exploited online though? Marketers are in a virtual dream world where they can track your every move while you surf the internet. Tools like clickstream tracking allow them to follow you from site to site and page to page within sites. This not only shows them how consumers navigate throughout different web pages but it also gives them an idea exactly what advertising will most likely appeal to you and then supply it to you.
Marketers will obviously claim this creates value for consumers since they are only giving you what you really want. Doesn't it make you feel a little bit creepy though? Knowing that what you are doing in the privacy of your own home is being monitored and logged by some marketing firm that in reality is using you to make themselves more money? Every time I am on the web I get the feeling that Big Brother is Watching.....
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